KY Updates
We cannot sit back and HOPE for the result we want. We must take action, in any way you can. We will be updating this page as things progress in KY.
Up Next / Going On Now. text text
The near-total abortion ban was challenged in state court, and the Kentucky Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in the dispute brought by abortion clinics in the state <when>
The near-total abortion ban was challenged in state court, and the Kentucky Supreme Court is set to hear arguments in the dispute brought by abortion clinics in the state <when>
State of KY Constitutional Amendment 2 - Defeated!! While there are polls that show that the majority of women in KY support the right to make their own health care decisions without the interference of the government, the concern in 2022 was that many are not aware that Amendment 2 was on the ballot that November. Read more about our victory in KY on Amendment 2!
Prior to 2022. text text